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Updated: Oct 30, 2022

It's a spicy lil song about anarchy, written in June 2021.

What inspired writing this song?


I'm going to be intentionally vague on where this song comes from simply because I still only do music for fun, this is not my day job. lol The day this hobby starts paying for itself I'll spill the tea.

All you need to know is shortly after the 2020 Panini™ I decided I was burnt out, and my degree wasn't doing what it was promising. I took a break and decided to dive back into my creative state of mind.

I use my music as therapy, which is ironic given the overarching meaning of this song.

While others journal, I write music. It's a very oddly public way to process your emotions, but honestly if it's one thing I've learned throughout this whole journey it's that I would've killed to know other people struggle with the same things I do and I'm not alone.

Sometimes you just need to vent, ig, and y'all are some really good listeners when you put a lil tune in the background.

What does this song mean?

Let's pretend I wrote this as a diary entry for funzies.

Dear Diary,
Why was I always given the advice growing up "you gotta spend money to make money!"? Like first of all, I was an impressionable teen with no money so obviously I believed the lie that all it took to become successful is some savvy investments. "Just be smart with your money, obviously. It's not that hard." But then I got a real job and I realized in order to actually invest money and be smart with it...I need to get paid enough to do that? Like I need more than just the bare minimum to pay rent and feed myself in order to invest? Like WHAT extra money dude? From where?? As long as anyone gets paid like this we'll never see the day we feel financially secure.
Me and everyone I know works so damn hard. I didn't realize how tough even the simplest (looking) jobs can be. I go home to feed myself at night and immediately go to bed just to get up and do it all over again. What a fucking nightmare. Nobody told me it's this miserable. No wonder my ADHD went *officially* undiagnosed, until I had to try to keep up in a 7am-6pm job getting paid 1/3 what I should be. And killing my mental and physical well-being all for what? Cause it's not a paycheck - for me anyway. All these owners and execs want is to keep their shareholders and investors happy, usually at the expense of the workers. You know, the ones that keep this entire hell hole afloat.
I feel like I'm beginning to see many people think this way as well. The pandemic really made everyone take a hard look at how they're treated. When this all started and no one knew exactly how dangerous this was, if it was airborne, what demographics it was affecting, etc. we were still being asked to risk our lives without any knowledge of how to protect ourselves. Well, the service, retail, and hospitality industries were. Anyone with a desk job was safe at home. And we all finally realized that. The tide is turning. We're beginning to demand better pay, better treatment, a better life in general. We don't need extravagance, we just want to be able to live without worrying how we'll pay bills. We've been struggling for too damn long. As a cohesive workforce who is now all on the same page, we're putting employers in the hot seat. Change or be changed. Build better or burn.
And the hypocrisy, right? Crimes are only crimes to those who don't have the money to pay their way out of it. White collar crimes are arguably way more detrimental to society as a whole. A white collar drug dealer or drug user can hire a lawyer that'll make it go away. Anyone else gets jail and a criminal record, because they don't have the money to afford someone to fight for them. Your boss can snort a gram of coke and be reasonably assured he'll be safe from getting caught (usually due to privilege of many kinds) but this kind of person is the first to vote to continue to criminalize marijuana.
The wealthy's money can just sit in an account and it'll make it's own money with interest. Zero effort. While those of us struggling to get by live on faith and a prayer they will find the money somehow. It's disgusting.
The wealthy promise all these economic benefits of every scheme they conjure up. Usually with their own benefits in mind, framing it like it's "for the good of the people" but like what fucking people? The ole bait and switch. "Yeah this is really really good for everyone, look at what we're doing!". It's all for PR. We will own nothing and we will like it, but with a fun PR spin. <3
Honestly, im so done. We need to burn it all down and start over, this system isn't working for anyone but the rich. Rant over.

Thanks for listening to and then reading my rant. ily bestie


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